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Yeni Trend Çıplak Yoga

Nude Yoga Girl isimsiz bir instagram kullanıcısı. 25 Yaşındaki kullanıcı @nude_yogagirl kullanıcı ismiyle çıplak bir şekilde yoga yaparken çekilmiş fotoğraflarını instagram'da takipçileri ile paylaşıyor. İnsanların bedenlerini sevmesi için onlara ilham vermek ve bir insan vucudunun neler yapabileceğini insanlara göstermek amacıyla hareket ettiğini söylüyor Daily Mail gazetesine verdiği röportajda. @nude_yogagirl adlı kullanıcının zarif ve estetik harikası siyah-beyaz instagram paylaşımlarını bir araya getirdik.

I've had hard times with myself –maybe you too? Times when I've been insecure, when I've demanded so much that I never was satisfied with myself. I've been totally lost – who am I, what I want - and why don't I know those things? ❤ Times when I thought that I'm not good enough, I would never find love because my body is not enough this or that. That I would never find my thing, my passion, because I don't have one talent, something where I'm extremely good at. ❤ I've had times when I cried almost everyday because I just felt so bad. I don't even remember why, I think I didn't even know it myself, but the future seemed such a mess and I didn't know my place in there. I just felt that I should be better, I should be more, should be something else. ❤ My mother gave me a book which helped me to find that out, if I really wanted something I could achieve it. I started to read more, and believe more. Life can give us amazing things if we just ask for them. I started to understand that hard work and persistence was the key to find a dream job and purpose, not talent. ❤ So I started to believe in my dreams, in myself and that I really can affect my life. I have to follow my heart and not be afraid of. ❤ But it was still so hard to be gentle to myself. ❤ When I realised one day that I already achieved all of my dreams that I had written down, I stopped. I had been so hurried to get more and more that I forgot that I actually had already done a lot. I could give myself some recognition. Many times we forget that we've already done well. ❤ One very wise person said to me that maybe I should be a friend to myself. Maybe I should give myself the things that I wish from others. I understood what she meant. I realised how much I was looking for things outside of me: love, acceptance, compliments, hugs.. Because I never gave them to myself. So I learned to be my friend and I can say that it's the best decision I've ever made. It's the most important and longest relationship in life, so I don't want to be so hard to myself anymore. ❤ Give yourself a hug: We all are so enough!❤
Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path for a reason. ❤️ My biggest crossing was when I met my boyfriend. He is my love, my soulmate. But he also changed the rest of my life in others way too... He has supported me more than anyone, more than I ever could wish from my partner. ❤️ I can say 100% sure that this account wouldn't be without him, without that fact that he has helped me to find my confidence, my strength. He believed in me when I'm didn't. He has been behind the camera in all of this photos and so much more. Today I just want to tell you how grateful I am to have him. I'm also very happy that he is with me in all of this, my priceless background with whom I can share everything.🙂 ❤️ In this world we need each other. We need people. ❤️ When you cross paths with someone who believes and supports you, never let them go. ❤️ PS. Something new in my shop! Custom orders - any photo from my IG is available (apart from one). 😉 Link in bio.
Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

I added a video again today but I took it a way. I still would like to do videos as well but honestly it isn't very easy with my style. It's not easy because I want to do it the same way as my photos: black and white + nude yoga. It's a totally different thing for example to try and cover the intimate parts of my body when I and the camera are moving... I did get great fail videos because I show too much🙊🙈! Instagram has to like them also otherwise they won't have it!😎 ❤️ But I will keep trying. Thank you everyone who answered my question on videos.. About 98% said yes to videos so thanks for the support! ❤️ I will continue to do mostly photos for sure,  that's the thing of mine. But I always want to try new things. In life one of my mottos has been "Old ways won't open new doors". Maybe it won't work out or maybe yes. But without trying life is going to be boring. I don't want to stay in my limits that I already know because there is so much more. ❤️ I want to remind you that we always learn by practicing. For example my photos are much better now than when I started photography or this account. I'm sure, videos will improve too. Same in yoga and everything else... Don't wait that you are great and start then (never), start and you will maybe become great! I also think that all of the things that we try, don't have to be a success but they still can be great adventures! 😊 Life is very short... Do things instead of just thinking about them. ❤️
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Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

What was on my mind today.... "Is there more people who like their body or more who dislike?" ❤ "If we feel ashamed of our body, how much does it affect our actions - when having sex, when training , when planning our life?" ❤ "Can we be happy if we want to change parts of our body?" ❤ "Does it really matter if we love our body or not?" ❤ "Why don't we like our body???" ❤ "Why are we so gentle to our loved one's body but so critical of our own"? ❤ "Why many of us prefer to have sex with the lights off because of their body, even if being sexy isn't the same as a perfect body?" ❤ "What is a perfect body?" ❤ "Is every body imperfect or just perfect?" ❤ "Why don't we understand that we don't have to do anything spectacular to be extraordinary in this world, we already are unique." ❤ "Why do we try to remake and change ourselves to look like someone else even if everyone knows that an original version is always better than a copy?!." ❤ "Why are we prepared to spend so much money, energy and time to look "better" but not prepared to spend time to improve self-confidence through other things." ❤ "Why don't just stop fighting and start to love??? ❤
Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

It has been reported in the news during the last few days how a playboy model took a snapchat photo in the gym shower of a naked woman and published it on snapchat with the text saying "If I can't unsee this then you can't either." ❤ I think she has already learned (hopefully) her homework and is very repentant etc. for what she did. But I still want to write about this subject in general. I can't understand how cruel and merciless women can be to each others. I can't understand how unthinking it must be to do something like this. She seems to think that she is better so she can shame another woman's body?! But she embarrassed herself so badly... This case is just one evidence, don't focus only on how you look. Focus on how you make others feel. ❤ I think the World would be a much better place if us women stand together. If we support and empower each other. We can also preassure others on how to look and be... It's not just the media or society. It is how you and me act. ❤ And it doesn't matter if this photo was ment to be a private message to her friends. We have to change how we think. No one is better in this world. Model, famous, rich, successfull, very talented - or not. We must treat everyone equally, in the way that we hope others would treat ourselves. ❤ Just love and be kind. Like this example story shows, how we act usually comes way back. Be nice and people will be nice to you. ❤
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Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()

Nude Yoga Girl (@nude_yogagirl) tarafından paylaşılan bir fotoğraf ()
Yeni Trend Çıplak Yoga Yeni Trend Çıplak Yoga Reviewed by Unknown on 20:15:00 Rating: 5

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